Empathic people pick up the emotions and energies of others around them. It goes beyond the normal loving compassion that anyone might feel on witnessing a friend in pain. The empath absorbs the pain and connects with it emotionally, feeling it as though it were their direct experience, heavily influenced by the emotions around them.

Those of us who are empathic sometimes absorb energy around us and think it is ours. It might not be until later – after the interaction is over and we’re back at home in our familiar environment – that we realize what we were feeling was from someone else. This temporary loss of self often results in being drained of energy and becoming ungrounded. An empathic friend describes it as “walking around in the world as a tuning fork.”

Over time, empathic people often develop techniques to help shield them when around strong emotions. They also find ways to be more grounded in their life and to create healthy boundaries for their protection.

Here are 2 helpful techniques to use in the moment:

1) The Question Method. If you start to feel swayed by strong emotion coming from another person, ask a series of questions to help gain perspective and distance.

For example, if a friend is sharing a painful story from her childhood, you might have a silent conversation with yourself that goes like this:

“Wow, what Maryellen is sharing is very sad. And now I’m feeling very sad.”
“Did this sad thing happen to me?”

“No, it happened to Maryellen.”
“Do I need to feel sad?”
“No, I don’t need to take this on, I can just listen with compassion.”

The questions act as an internal filtering process and help us realize that the emotion we’re feeling is not ours.

2) The Line. If you feel yourself starting to get pulled into someone else’s emotion or drama, envision in your mind’s eye drawing a line between that person and you. That line now becomes the dividing point between what’s theirs and what’s yours.

Then very consciously examine what’s on your side of the line. If you find any of their emotion or their energy, imagine sending it gently back to them. And then consciously look on their side of the line for anything of yours. If you find any of your emotion or your energy, imagine gently pulling it back to your side of the line. 

This helps us be responsible for only what is ours and over time will help strengthen our boundaries.

Do you have a technique you’d care to share?