Preparing for your session

The healing begins once your appointment is scheduled. The divine compassionate ones support you in moving into an energetic space of openness and clarity.

This is a time of being mindful and noticing your emotions and the places of pain in your life. What is uncomfortable? What are you no longer in agreement with? What are you ready to shift?

Patterns that are ready for healing may be illuminated. You might experience a synchronous event or a “waking dream” that brings an unexpected insight.

An event might happen that moves you to reach a “breaking point.” Facing an old familiar situation yet again may help you make the decision that you’re no longer willing to live this way, and you might realize that you’re ready to commit to doing the integration work after the session.

In the last 4-5 days prior to your session, Spirit may bring signs and messages to guide the healing. Some of these messages might come in the nighttime, so notice any dreams that seem meaningful.


Your healing intention

One of the first questions you’ll be asked in your appointment is, “What do you want to work on today?” Reflecting and journaling ahead of time can help you reach clarity, which helps to focus the healing. When you are clear about your healing intention, Great Spirit can bring the people, the circumstances and the support you need in order to transform.

Some questions to sit with in formulating your healing intention:

  • What do you want to work on in your session?
  • What positive shift or change would you like to experience as a result of your session?
  • What positive energies would you like more of to support you in your life? (e.g. love, balance, compassion, joy, etc.)
Getting ready on the physical level

On a physical level, there are also things you might do to prepare such as lightening your schedule for the day or two afterwards to give yourself the time and space to do the suggested integration and after-care.

If you suspect your session will involve releasing heavy energy (including compassionate depossession, curse unraveling and some forms of ancestral healing), you can prepare ahead of time by having a supply of epsom salt or sea salt on hand for a bath. If your appointment is in the afternoon, you might want to put fresh sheets on your bed before your session in case you’re tired afterwards.

Clients are also asked to abstain from alcohol and recreational drugs 24 hours before their healing. These substances are often used to numb emotional pain and may interfere with your ability to be fully present for your session.

All of these preparations – spiritual, energetic and physical – can help you be an open channel to receive the healing.

To learn more about preparing for your session or to schedule an appointment, please contact Debra.