From health classes in elementary and high school, most of us have a basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the physical body. We also have an energy body with its own anatomy and physiology.

Near the base of our tailbone, lies an energy center called the root chakra connecting us with the physicality of living on planet earth. Its purpose is to help us be grounded and home in our body.

Grounding cords, which may look like tree roots or a large taproot, extend from our root chakra and run down to the core of Mother Earth. They easily and effortlessly move through anything in their path. Their main purpose is to connect us to the secure, safe, loving energy of Mother Earth.

For empaths, being grounded is crucial to our comfort. When we’re home in our body, we’re more aware of our energy, and we’re more likely to notice when we take on other people’s emotions. When we’re grounded, we naturally have stronger energetic boundaries and are more centered in our being.

These very same grounding cords also serve as release valves for any excess or unwanted energy we may carry. This helps us more easily release the emotions we pick up from other people.

Being more comfortable in our body begins with being grounded, and it’s the first thing we learn in the “Energy Essentials for Empaths” class.

This work is real, and it matters.

January 6, 2022