When I began on my spiritual path, I wanted so badly to be clairvoyant and have visions. I prayed and prayed, but to no avail.

About the same time, I started to receive unexpected flashes of insight. I would get a nudge about which way to drive to work and later find out from co-workers I had avoided a traffic accident. Or I would be drawn to hike a certain trail and encounter an animal with a message for me.

I was so focused on being able to see, I didn’t connect these instances with my intuition.

Then one day I went down to the basement of my apartment building to do laundry. When I walked through the door, I knew I was not alone. Chills went up and down my spine, and I sensed the presence of an earthbound spirit. I even knew it was a young male who had died and left a loved one behind. As the shock of this experience wore off, I realized I didn’t need to see. Even though I wasn’t clairvoyant, I did have the gifts of intuitive knowing and sensing.

Once I embraced my natural style, my intuition took leaps and bounds.

The four main channels of intuition are:

·      clairvoyance – the ability to see

·      clairaudience – the ability to hear

·      claircognizance – the ability to know

·      clairsentience – the ability to feel, including both emotions and sensations in the body

Usually we have one (or maybe two) primary intuitive channels. If you’re unsure of your natural style, reflect on what you resonate with in your life. Are you a visual person who enjoys colors, shapes and designs? You may have gifts of clairvoyance. Are you an aural person who enjoys listening to music or audiobooks? Clairaudience may be your channel. Do you enjoy reading and problem-solving? Possibly claircognizance. Or maybe you’re a tactile person who learns about new things by touching them, which might indicate a link with clairsentience.

Paying attention to your word choices for a few days may also yield insight. Notice how you start your sentences. In conversation, do you say, “I see…” or “I hear…” Or maybe you frequently say, “I feel…” or “I think…”

Once you’ve identified your natural style, then begin working with it. Tune in and notice how it already helps you in your life. What information may you currently be receiving through that sense that’s actually intuition?

When we relax and use our inborn skills, the ones that come naturally to us, our intuition responds by bringing us small pieces of intuition. Then as we learn to trust the messages, listen and take appropriate action, we receive more and more information. Over time, other channels may develop for us.

A weekend workshop on “Accessing Your Wisdom Keeper” will be held October 23-24, 2010, at Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Center in Wheatland, Iowa. For more information, email debramorrill@yahoo.com or call 608-279-4319.