After-care & integration

Amazing shifts can occur in a healing session, but the real magic happens when you go home and use that energy to transform your life. Taking time for integration and self-care is an important part of the healing process. Healing is like a pebble dropped into a pond – the effects continue to ripple out in the days and weeks ahead.

hammockGeneral after-care instructions

The energy work you experienced in your session is the equivalent of psychic surgery. Much as you would rest and recuperate after an out-patient procedure, please slow down for a few days and exercise “exquisite self-care.” Let your inner knowing guide what’s best for you.

Some suggestions for nurturing yourself:

  • give yourself spaciousness and lighten your schedule to make time for self-care
  • drink water to stay hydrated
  • eat healthy foods
  • take a bath in Epsom salt or sea salt and soak for 20-30 minutes
  • get plenty of rest
  • spend time in nature
  • reflect on your healing experience through journaling or meditation
  • treat yourself kindly and lovingly

If you have questions about after-care or integration, please contact Debra.


    Integrating after a soul retrieval

    The period of integration after a soul retrieval is key to help incorporate the energetic shifts into our life. In the first few days after a soul retrieval, any number of emotions may arise – from the joy of being more fully home to a feeling of tenderness and vulnerability. The more we slow down and care for ourselves during this time, the smoother the integration.

    Returning soul pieces always come back with wisdom and healing they are eager to share. If we go about our normal hectic lives, that wisdom and healing energy has to work much harder to get through to us. We want to make room and space to hear the wisdom, receive the healing and fully embody the gifts.

    Here are some suggestions to help integrate your soul piece:

    • Creativity. When we put ourselves in a creative space, we are more connected to the wisdom of our soul. Do a creative pastime that you enjoy – such as quilting, gardening, cooking, painting, writing poetry or making music.
    • Movement. Movement helps our returned soul essence integrate into the physical body. Do some gentle movement such as yoga, going for a walk or dancing to help your soul essence fully embody.
    • Nature. We are more open to hearing our inner wisdom when we’re in nature. You might sit on a park bench along a river or go for a walk.
    • Reflection. Journal to help process your healing experience and identify the shifts and transformations that occur. You might also connect with your newly returned soul essence in meditation and have a conversation with it. Thank it for coming home. Welcome it back. Get to know its gifts and abilities and energy. What can you do to help it integrate fully? What wisdom does it have for you?

    As you continue to integrate your returned soul piece, notice how you respond differently to old, familiar situations. Over time, we often find ourselves acting in new ways in the moment without conscious thought. This is affirmation that our soul piece is integrating.

    If you have questions about integrating after a soul retrieval, please contact Debra.

    burning sage

    After-care instructions for a session with heavy energy

    Some shamanic healing techniques – including compassionate depossession, curse unraveling, and some forms of ancestral healing – work with heavy energy.

    It’s fairly common to experience some achiness after a session where heavy energy was released. This is known as “detoxing.” Because of this, the body often needs extra support. The most common symptoms of detoxing resemble a cold or flu – digestive and intestinal upset, body aches and pains, congestion in the lungs, or sinus drainage.

    Following these suggestions will support your body after a session where heavy energy was released:

    • Stay hydrated. Drink more water than usual for a day or two to help flush out any toxins that are still being released from the physical body.
    • Take a salt bath before going to bed. Use 3-4 cups of either sea salt or Epsom salt and soak for 20-30 minutes. If you do not have a bathtub, a salt shower is also effective. Take a plastic container of salt with you into the shower and scrub, rubbing the salt over as much of your body as you can reach. If you still feel physical symptoms a day or two after the session, repeat the salt bath or salt shower.
    • Change the sheets and do some cleansing in your bedroom before you go to bed. Launder all the bedding including the mattress pad and blankets. Heavy energy can get absorbed into the bed, and it is not helpful to sleep in that energy after your session. This is particularly important if you were experiencing sleep disturbance. You might also smudge with sage or incense and open your bedroom windows to air out the room.

    If you have questions about after-care for compassionate depossession, curse unraveling or ancestral healing, please contact Debra.