What do you remember when you spend time outdoors in nature?
I remember the gentle, loving energy of Mother Earth, and her power to soothe and heal when life feels out of balance. I remember the comfort to be found in stillness. I remember that the wind brings ideas and creativity, and that if I listen, I will be inspired. I remember that stones and trees carry wisdom, if I slow down and pay attention. I remember childlike joy and innocence in my heart again. I remember the cycle of life. That as the stately oak topples, nearby an acorn takes root – and that life continues. I remember those parts of me wanting attention. I remember to breathe and allow freedom and movement to enter the stuck places. I remember my connection to the plant kingdom – the soothing energy of walking in a field of mullein, the coolness against my skin as I lean back against a birch tree, the happy faces of the yellow and orange hawkweed turned toward the sky. I remember that I am a part of nature too, as the field mouse explores unconcerned at my feet. I remember. I re-member. What do you re-member when you’re in nature?