When we hear the term “Type A personality,” we picture a driven workaholic. Someone obsessed with results, who puts great pressure on themselves to reach goals. On the other hand, when we picture a Type B personality, what comes to mind is someone much more laidback. Someone who is willing to “go with the flow” and adjust to whatever comes their way.

Two common methods of manifestation are similar to Type A and Type B personal styles:

·      Type A manifestors rely solely on their effort and their will to achieve a desired outcome. They push hard to achieve results, similar to the Type A personal style. While Type A manifesting often yields the desired outcome, it can be exhausting due to the sheer amount of energy expended. We could single-handedly row a boat across the ocean, but surely there are easier ways to travel.

·      Type B manifestors reflect a more laidback approach to manifesting similar to a Type B personal style. They go where life takes them and accept whatever comes their way. We could let the wind fill our sails and push us across the ocean – effective, but it may take us somewhere other than where we really want to go. A feeling of powerlessness or being victimized may arise.

There are benefits and drawbacks to both Type A and Type B styles of manifesting. What if there were another choice that combined the two styles? There is.

Type A represents the masculine energy of doing in the world – of exerting our will and taking action. Type B represents the feminine energy of being in the world – of receiving and allowing.

Regardless of our gender, we are meant to be a blend of both masculine and feminine energies. This is the sacred union talked about by the ancients. The masculine and feminine working together create a whole.

This balanced energy – the perfect blend of masculine and feminine – is especially helpful in manifesting. Which leads us to the next style of manifesting:

·      Type C manifestors use both their masculine and feminine energies in partnership with Spirit. Sometimes they set their course and take action, and at other times they allow themselves to be carried. Type C manifestors invite the Universe to partner with them in bringing about their intentions. Type C manifesting is a co-creation.

With Type C manifesting, at some steps in the process, we use our masculine energy. We set a course, we focus, we use our will to move through blocks or resistance, we take inspired action. At other points along the way, we use our feminine energy. We imagine, we trust our intuition, we hold the vision, we open to assistance from the Universe. On our ship, sometimes we steer and row, sometimes we let the wind fill our sails.


Next up: more about the co-creation style of manifesting