Compassionate Depossession
Releasing Entities and Attachments
In energy healing, we may encounter the spirit of another being residing within a client’s body or luminous field. This is commonly referred to as having an attachment or entity. It may result in discomfort, pain or illness for the client. A shamanic technique called compassionate depossession helps release the suffering being and restore the client to balance and harmony.
Occasionally something goes awry in the death process, and a soul fails to cross to the light. The lost soul (also called a suffering being) no longer has physical energy of their own, so they look for a source of energy and a place to be – sometimes in the body of a living human. While the human body may look like solid matter, quantum physics has shown that we are actually a rather spacious collection of rapidly moving particles. Under the right conditions, the suffering being merges into these spaces and resides within the body and energy field of a living person.

Possession is more common than western culture acknowledges, but not at all like it’s portrayed by Hollywood. Movies show highly fictionalized accounts of extreme cases. Far more typically, suffering beings are a departed loved one, an ancestor, or a soul that got lost on its way to the light. Compassionate depossession is gentle, loving and kind.
Having a suffering being on board is not optimal for either the suffering being or the living person who carries them. As long as the suffering being is still here on the physical plane, they remain in a place of suffering, locked in the pain, memories and heavy emotions they felt during their lifetime. The only way to reconnect with their true purpose of love is to remember their divine nature and cross to the light.
The person who carries the suffering being is affected as well, often feeling tired and drained of energy. It may be difficult to sleep. In some cases, physical illness may result. On an emotional level, we experience the suffering being’s feelings of anger, grief, or frustration. Their emotions may permeate our energy field, affecting us profoundly and causing us to feel unlike ourselves.
It never serves us to carry a suffering being in our energy field. We always give up some aspect of our power, will or energy. We have a divine right to be sovereign in our body. Releasing the suffering being frees us to walk our unique path in this lifetime, and it frees the suffering being to cross to the light and fulfill their highest purpose.
Common signs of carrying a suffering being:
- being consistently tired and drained of energy
- disturbed sleep patterns and/or nightmares
- visitations during the night (which might include frequent dreams about a departed loved one)
- feeling unlike yourself
- experiencing overwhelming emotion with no apparent cause
- sudden personality changes
- a sense of someone else being with you in your body
- unexplained skin rashes
- physical symptoms unsupported by medical testing (i.e. the doctor runs tests but doesn’t find anything wrong)
Any of these signs could also point to other spiritual imbalance, not just having a suffering being. If you are experiencing discomfort and several of these symptoms are present, please know that there is support available from a shamanic practitioner trained in compassionate depossession.
Compassionate depossession is a shamanic technique used to release suffering beings from the human they are merged with and help them cross to the light. It’s a very gentle and loving process. The suffering being is treated with compassion. Banishment and force are never used.
Compassionate depossession begins in sacred space with a dialogue between the shamanic practitioner and the client. The angels and other divine compassionate helping spirits assist with the process by shining light into the heart of the suffering being. As their heart opens to the light, their vibration rises, and they begin to lift up and out of the client’s body. When the release is complete, they are crossed to the light with love and compassion. Then the healing focus is turned to the client. The shamanic healer does further extraction, then energetically cleanses the client’s body and luminous field. Often, the session ends with a soul retrieval to return any of the client’s lost or missing power arising from the situation.
Because care and attention is taken to raise the vibration of the suffering being, to fill their heart with light, and to help them cross over, the suffering being cannot return and inhabit the client again.
Here’s what a recent compassionate depossession client said about the experience:
To learn more about compassionate depossession, or to schedule a shamanic healing session, please contact Debra.