Soul Retrieval

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During a traumatic or painful event, a piece of our soul may disassociate. In some cases once the trauma ends, the soul essence comes back on its own. When the soul remains fragmented and disconnected, we have soul loss.

Soul loss can happen at any age, although core soul loss occurs most frequently in childhood or infancy. Any situation that feels uncomfortable or deeply painful can cause soul loss. For example, having a sudden realization that we don’t fit in our family may trigger soul loss.


Common causes of soul loss include:
  • abuse – physical, verbal, emotional, sexual
  • rape or incest
  • violence, including military service during wartime
  • loss of a loved one through death, divorce, miscarriage, abandonment or break-up of a relationship
  • neglect
  • severe illness
  • surgery and anesthesia
  • serious accidents
  • natural disasters

The part of our soul that leaves takes vital life force essence with it, along with related skills and gifts and abilities. For example, the soul piece of an abused child may take its ability to feel safe, to trust, and to speak its truth. Years later, we may make statements such as, “I feel like a part of me is missing” or “I used to be so carefree as a child – I don’t know where that went” or “I feel like I have a hole in my heart.”

When we have soul loss, we feel less than whole and reach out to comfort ourselves. We may attempt to compensate by looking for love in a series of unhealthy relationships or by using an addiction to fill the hole. Over time, illness and depression may result. For these reasons, shamanic healers view soul loss as the root spiritual cause of most physical and mental illness.

A shamanic technique called soul retrieval reunites us with our missing soul piece so we can be in our wholeness again. Because soul retrieval happens on the energetic level, it cuts through years of blocked energy to bring about movement and transformation.

    Holding a client’s healing intent, the shamanic practitioner journeys into the spirit realm and works with their helping spirits to track the missing soul piece. Soul pieces are often seen as the age they left. A child’s five-year-old soul piece may be found hiding in the closet of their childhood bedroom, on their birth star with a guardian spirit, or being comforted by Mother Earth.

    The helping spirits then do healing work for the soul piece. When the soul piece is ready to return, the practitioner pulls it down into physical reality and blows it into the client’s heart and crown. The client may feel the essence return as a warm, tingly feeling or notice feeling more themselves than before.

    In the first few days after a soul retrieval, any number of emotions may arise – from pure joy to a feeling of tenderness and vulnerability. The more we slow down and care for ourselves during this time, the smoother the integration. Going for walks in nature, journaling with our soul piece, playing like a child, and meditating help honor the process.

    Making space for our returned soul essence to share its wisdom and gradually adapting to being fully whole again are key parts of the integration work after a soul retrieval.

    To learn more about soul retrieval, or to schedule a shamanic healing session, please contact Debra.

    “I never thought I’d find a healer as intuitive, full of grace and compassion as Debra. She has been a gift from Spirit to me. As someone living with chronic illness and all its related physical and psychological challenges, I’d become afraid of the world including all types of healers and helpers who’d only made me worse off.

    Debra has an amazing understanding of the integrated nature of mind, body and soul, helping me achieve wholeness, calm, self-love, self-compassion and a new way of living. Working with Debra to retrieve each next piece of my soul essence and discovering the strength and intuition I have within myself has resulted in astounding healing and growth.”