What it means to be an empath

Empaths are people gifted with the ability to easily sense emotions and energy in their environment. The energy field of an empath works a bit differently. Instead of letting energy pass through us like a screen door, we soak up energy like a sponge. We may temporarily absorb energy from others thinking it is ours, and it may cause us to feel drained and ungrounded. It might not be until later, when we’re back at home in our familiar environment, that we realize we are carrying someone else’s heavy emotion. This energy may linger for hours, and in some cases days, until it releases and we feel more like ourselves again.

Empaths take on the pain and suffering of others – not just loved ones, but also strangers. Watching news reports during times of tragedy is exceedingly uncomfortable. Going to funerals or visiting friends or family members in the hospital is deeply unsettling. We may even feel the pain and suffering of animals, the environment, and Mother Earth. A friend sensitive to energy describes it as “walking around in the world as a tuning fork” and at other times as “walking around in the world as a raw nerve.”

In her book The Highly Sensitive Person, Dr. Elaine Aron cites an interesting statistic. According to researchers, this ability to sense other people’s energy is a trait found in about 15-20% of the population.

Other terms for it are clairsentience and being a Highly Sensitive Person. Certain helping professions attract empaths in large numbers – nursing, counseling, teaching, and massage therapy.

The good news

With practice, there are ways to become more grounded and to create healthy boundaries for your well-being. By using tools from shamanism, psychic development and meditation, you can be more comfortable in your body and view your abilities for the gifts they are.

“A giant thank you! Last night I was able to watch a drama on TV with my husband without crying for the first time ever! I have used the tools so many times today, and I feel like you have literally changed my life overnight. I look forward to the next modules and continued practice of the techniques.”

Are you an empath?

Take this quiz to find out if you have any of these common traits of being an empath. If a significant number of these apply to you, you may be an empath.

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