Sacred Connections: Deepening the Relationship with Your Spirit Guides

A weekend workshop

Fri, Oct 18, 2024  |  beginning at 6 pm
Sat, Oct 19, 2024  |  9 am – 9 pm
Sun, Oct 20, 2024  |  9 am – 4 pm

Crow Moon Healing
6472 Breunig Road, rural Mazomanie, WI

Benevolent spirit helpers walk by our side and lend their support and assistance on our spiritual journey. These compassionate beings help us grow and heal when we open our intuition and connect with their wisdom and energy. Spirit guides take many different forms. They may be power animals, angels, ascended masters, nature spirits, or embodiments of the divine such as Kwan Yin or Jesus Christ. We have more than one spirit guide – often a whole team. Some of our guides are with us from birth; some follow us throughout multiple lifetimes. Much like making a new human friend, it takes time to develop a meaningful relationship with our guides, both in trusting them and building communication skills.

In this weekend experiential workshop, you will:

  • release blockages to working with your spirit guides
  • receive an attunement to better connect with guides
  • experience the love and support of your guides
  • learn to use discernment around meeting new guides and parsing messages
  • do ceremony to honor your guides

Fee: $500 with early registration by October 4, 2024  –OR– $550 after October 4, 2024. Lunch on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, and lunch on Sunday are included in the workshop fee. Dinner on Saturday evening is potluck. Friday and Saturday night lodging is included in the workshop fee on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Ready to register? Download registration form.

For questions or for more information,  please contact Debra