I noticed a definite shift in my energy the morning after unraveling the limiting agreement that my body is a tool to use without regard for its needs. I woke up feeling lighter, more optimistic, and more open to possibilities.

Before getting out of bed and several times throughout the day, I repeated my new, healthier intention:

“I consistently make kind and loving choices for my body.”

I was drawn to make myself something to eat, so I cooked an egg bake that would provide healthy breakfast for the week. The ingredients had been sitting in my refrigerator since my last trip to the grocery store, and I finally had the motivation to create something delicious. That morning, I prioritized my body’s need for nutritious food.

Amazing shifts can happen during energy work, but the real gift is using that momentum to transform our life.

We can do the agreement unraveling, but if we leave it at that, it’s incomplete. In order for the shift to be true and long lasting, the healing needs to integrate into physical reality and the physical body. Because heavy energy has been drained out of the limiting agreement, we have a new perspective that supports us in doing the work to create lasting change.

In agreement unraveling, an opening is created. Nature does not allow a vacuum, so something always comes in to fill that space. We want to choose something positive to bring in – in this case a new, healthier agreement.

The new agreement is often the opposite of the old agreement. For a limiting agreement that leads to silencing our voice and creates blockages in the throat chakra, the new agreement may be, “I speak my truth with compassion.”

Once we’ve formulated the new, healthier agreement, it’s helpful to speak it out loud. This sets our intention, and the energy ripples out to the Universe. Over time, Spirit brings the insights, the situations, and the healing needed to manifest it fully.

As we integrate from the healing, we may want to enter back in to the agreement unraveling several more times and drain away remnants of the heavy energy. (The agreement unraveling process is described in Part 3 of this post.)

I used to believe that breaking an agreement meant that the situations that caused me to reach for a limiting agreement would magically no longer arise. It doesn’t work this way. I now realize the circumstances that trigger a limiting agreement will still happen, but with the heavy energy drained away, we are free to make different, healthier choices than in the past.

When I find myself in one of those old familiar situations and notice the old limiting agreement beginning to knock at my door, I hold up a hand in the universal motion for “don’t come any closer” and say out loud, “Stop! I no longer agree to this!” The movement, combined with my will and my words, disrupts the old pattern.

Then I reach for my new, healthier agreement and allow that to inform me. I repeat it to myself several times as a mantra, and I feel the more loving and spacious energy guiding me.

We can also use some form of creative expression to remind us of our healing intention. People who are musical might channel a song they can sing when they notice the old energy arising. Someone who likes to use movement could develop a gesture or a dance. A jewelry maker might create a bracelet or earrings to remind them. I like artwork and lettering, so in the next few days I tend to create something visual which I place where it will frequently catch my eye.

Please be kind and gentle with yourself in the integration process. These limiting agreements were reinforced over many years, so it’s natural that it would take time to unravel them thoroughly. Doing the work is worthwhile in order to live in greater balance and harmony and greater connection to our soul.

This work is real, and it matters.

January 26, 2022