Our bodies give voice to our intuition. They commonly send us information in the form of goose bumps and hair standing on end, a sensation of cold, a sinking feeling in the stomach, or a warm feeling around the heart, among others.

Some intuitives refer to this as their “spider sense.” When an insect hits a spider web, a vibration transmits through the web and signals to the spider it caught a meal. Our skin functions much like the spider web. As a vibration or energy wave hits our skin, it stirs a physical response in the body – maybe a crawling on our skin or a tingling along our spine.

Through bringing our awareness to our body and noticing when we sense one of these responses, we can train ourselves to recognize what it signals. For instance, over time we may come to realize a crawling sensation along our left arm and shoulder means a discarnate spirit is nearby. Or we may learn that sudden goose bumps along the top of our neck are affirmation when we hear a piece of truth spoken.

Our bodies can also be used as divination tools or dowsing rods for intuitive guidance from our higher self. Here’s how:

Let’s say you were struggling with a decision about whether to switch jobs. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths to get centered and focused. Then state the first option using positive language such as, “I stay in my current job.” As you make the statement, watch what happens in your body. Do you feel warm or cold, loose or tight? Do you get a certain sensation in any particular spot in your body? How does your heart feel? Your gut?

Now state the second option, again using positive language such as, “I take the position with XYZ Company.” Tune in again to your body. What do you notice this time?

Compare the feelings from the first and second statements. Which feels better in your body? Which feels more true or more right? Did one bring about a feeling of peace and ease while one caused a tense reaction? That’s your intuitive answer from your body.