When we go into a situation with an interest in the outcome or with defined ideas about how it should unfold, we have expectations.
Expectations get in the way of being in the moment – the place of our true power.
Having expectations takes us out of the present moment in two places. When we first set our expectations about an event or situation that hasn’t yet occurred, we project into the future. Then as the experience unfolds, we return to the past when we try to manage the situation to match our predetermined image.
Whenever we’re in the past or the future, we’re not in the present. Which means we’re not experiencing the reality of what is occurring, not taking in what is happening, not responding from our heart.
If we give ourselves the gift of surrendering our expectations and being in the moment, we can fully experience a situation and take it in, responding as the moment warrants, from a place of centeredness with all of our skills and abilities at hand.
What have you learned about having expectations that you’d like to share?