Part of life here on Planet Earth is learning to deal with ambiguities. As we come into our maturity as spiritual beings, we learn to be comfortable with duality. We realize that life is a complex mix of feeling this and that. Of being both happy and sad. Of making plans and being open to what comes our way. Of being excited to move forward with a new opportunity and grieving the loss of what is left behind. Of loving many things about a close friend or partner and disliking their moodiness or tardiness.
When we see the world only in black and white, we miss much of the beauty that can be found in the gray. The gray areas add nuance to our lives, the highlights and shadows, the delicate shading that helps us better see the details.
Being comfortable in the gray also helps us in navigating through the great unknown. Forcing ourselves to conform to a limited way of behaving or viewing the world can be uncomfortable. When we allow ourselves to loosen, we relax into the experience.
Seeing the world in black and white assumes we have the answer, whereas seeing shades of gray acknowledges there are many possible answers. When we become comfortable in the gray areas, we expand our being and open to the possibility of all that is.
Some questions to ponder: What areas of your life are you looking at in black and white? What people do you see in black and white? Where could allowing yourself to see shades of gray help you solve a problem?
Thank you so much: I needed this today! 🙂
This so resonates with me Deb! I have a sitaution much like one you describe and my partner has told me many times that I see things only in black and white. This is a really tuffy! 61 eyars of untraining to do.Whew!!! Thank you – you are such a Light!!!!!!!!!!