Last week I got uptight about my schedule for the next month or so. All the unknowns in my life were colliding, and I became tense. Then I had a breakthrough realization: I can’t predict my schedule this fall with any certainty until a key piece of information comes back from my mother’s doctors next week, so in the meantime, why not take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the chaos of the moment?

And in the next instant, I thought, “Didn’t I just write about this in my blog?” I had. Two times that week. On Monday, being comfortable with gray areas, and on Wednesday, following the energy of what appears.

I stopped fretting and had a hearty chuckle. 

A friend has a saying she uses when she finds herself in a similar situation. She often remarks, with a smile on her face, “Gee, I should attend my own lectures.”

Our inner wisdom sometimes comes out in the form of advice given to friends and loved ones. It hovers in our subconscious, maybe because we’re not ready to trust it for ourselves, or maybe because it’s so new it’s not fully formed yet. When it finally emerges, it’s meant for our ears as much as it is for the other person.

Once we’re aware of this tendency, we can track the wisdom we share with others to see if it has relevance for our lives. In the words of my friend, we can attend our own lectures.