The silver lining in challenges

It’s not during the times in our life when everything is going smoothly that we grow. When life hums along on an even keel, we tend to become complacent and to accept the status quo without question.It’s when life gets a little bumpy that we grow. We...

A simple full moon ceremony

Throughout history, many earth-based religions have worshipped the moon, honoring Grandmother Moon for her wisdom and feminine energy.In modern times, we still recognize the moon cycles. Tides, fishing forecasts, and planting schedules all follow moon cycles.Where new...

The energy of a space

When purchasing a home, leasing an office space or renting an apartment, the energy of the building is worth considering when making a decision.Our ability to be happy and effective in a home or office is affected not just by physical concerns such as floor plan,...

Thoughts as intuition

Sometimes the seemingly random thoughts that cross our mind aren’t really random. We may be picking up on energy, emotions or thoughts of people we’re connected to, similar to a spider sensing when an insect hits its web.You’ve probably had the...