We often get through hard times such as an unsettling medical diagnosis or rebuilding after a rough divorce by keeping our head down and meeting each challenge that greets us one at a time. In doing so, we prevent ourselves from becoming overwhelmed at the magnitude of what still lies ahead.

But at some point, usually when we’re at a natural resting place or have met a milestone, it’s helpful to pause and take stock of the bigger picture. When we lift our head to acknowledge the progress we’ve made, our location might surprise us. We may now be standing on the top of the mountain rather than the foothills.

Whenever we find ourselves getting too mired in the details, whether it be from a challenge in our life or from overwork and burnout, we can regain our perspective by drawing our attention to the big picture. Our ally Eagle supports us in this.

Eagle medicine carries the ability to fly with Spirit and see from a higher vantage point. When we call on Eagle in meditation, we ask to view the events of our life from a spiritual perspective. As a result, we may be gifted with the sudden insight of how our current situation connects to our destiny and purpose in this lifetime. We might recognize our biggest challenge has become our greatest teacher. We may see how we’ve transformed and healed from the growth opportunities, and our heart may open in gratitude.

Where in your life can you use eagle energy to gain a broader perspective?