Everybody’s an empath

Everybody’s an empath

Even for those who normally walk in the world with healthy energetic boundaries, the last several weeks have been especially challenging. One heartbreaking national and international news story after another have saturated our already full energy fields and sent many...
Everybody’s an empath

Healthy energetic boundaries

With the sadness and suffering both here in the U.S. and abroad right now, healthy energetic boundaries are crucial to avoid being overwhelmed by the heavy energy. For empaths, it can be like walking around in the world with a raw nerve exposed. Not only do we feel...
Release valves

Release valves

Our root chakra and grounding cord work together to keep us connected to Mother Earth. Through that bond, we can feel her solid, stable, secure, supportive energy. This aids us in being centered in ourselves, feeling safe, and having healthy boundaries. But that’s...