The co-creation process is a blend of our masculine and feminine energies together with assistance from Spirit. At some steps in the manifestation cycle, we use our masculine energy to take action and exert our will; at other points along the way, we use our feminine energy to imagine and hold space. (See Another way to manifest.) In addition to the benefits of our own energies working together and complementing each other, Spirit is our partner in the process.

The co-creation manifestation process:

1) Set an intention. We are the creators of our lives, so we begin the process by deciding what we want and setting our intention.

2) Engage the imagination. What might the final creation look like? We use our imagination to fill out the picture and visualize the details. What will it feel like, smell like, taste like? What will a typical day be like when we go to work in our new business? Include emotions to charge it with energy.

3) Put it out there to the Universe. We might share our intention and our vision with Spirit through prayer or through journaling. Speaking our vision out loud has particular power because sound is vibration. The Universe picks up the vibration and, because of the Law of Attraction, brings us people and opportunities with similar resonance.

4) Take action steps. We engage our masculine energy to take action, making progress toward our goal. What can we do to move in the direction of our intention? If we were looking at opening a business, we would research the legal requirements, apply for licensing, and print business cards. And even with these action steps, the Universe helps. We might overhear a friend mention the local printer where she got her business cards done at a discount, or we might “coincidentally” meet the reporter from the local paper who is looking for new businesses to feature.

5) Stay alert for responses from the Universe. Answers to our prayers may not look like we’re expecting, so we remain alert for synchronicities and energetic assistance from the Universe. If we’re too rigid in our views of how we expect this assistance to look, we may overlook opportunities. Tuning into our intuition will help us feel the energy at work. (See 3 clues for discerning what’s a message.)

6) Take inspired action. When the Universe puts a helpful resource in our path or makes a connection on our behalf, it’s up to us to take action.

7) Repeat. We still have free will, so if – after consideration – something that Spirit sends our way doesn’t fit our vision, we can say no, tweak our intention and begin the process anew with step 2. And after a portion of our project has come to fruition, we can begin again with the manifestation process. During a large creation, we might repeat this cycle dozens or hundreds of times, refining and gaining clarity as we go.

Co-creation is about balance – a gracefully orchestrated dance where sometimes we lead and sometimes we follow. If at any step along the way we feel tired or overworked, it’s a clue we’re doing too much and pushing too hard, and we might want to pull back on our masculine energy. If on the other hand, we feel powerless or like we’re spending too much of our time waiting, then we could engage our masculine energy a little more. If we’re worrying too much, then we might be taking on more than our share of the responsibility, and we can ask for additional assistance from Spirit.


Next up:  tools to support the co-creation process