A power animal is a spirit guide in animal form who offers assistance on our spiritual path by sharing wisdom and energy with us.

Power animals help us connect with our true power. A butterfly, for instance, might help us with making transformations or changes in our life. Mole energy might help us be grounded and more connected to Mother Earth. Eagle can teach us about seeing from a higher perspective if we’ve gotten too wrapped up in details.

In addition to mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, fish, and even mythological creatures such as dragons and unicorns can be power animals.

We can have more than one power animal. Some power animals are with us from birth, some help us through a specific challenge or time in our life.

You may already know one or more of your power animals. As a child, did a certain animal such as a giraffe or a penguin capture your fancy? Did you have an animal as an imaginary friend? Is there an animal you encountered in nature frequently during times of major transition in your life?

And think back over the last month or so. Have you had repeated experiences with an animal who seems to want your attention? Have you seen lots of rabbits in your yard, or maybe had an experience with a wild animal interacting with you in some way? That animal may have had wisdom or power it wanted to share with you.

If you haven’t yet met a power animal, you can schedule an appointment with a shamanic practitioner for a power animal retrieval. Or you can work directly with Spirit to meet the animal yourself, guided by your inner wisdom.

Begin by stating your intention to meet your power animal. Then wait and see what comes. You might dream about an animal, or you might have a spontaneous experience in nature.

You can also do a guided meditation to aid in meeting them. In your mind’s eye, visualize yourself in a familiar place in nature. As you settle in and get comfortable, go exploring. What animals show up? Allow your imagination to wander. Continue to explore without surprise if a jungle creature or an arctic animal shows up in a meadow, for example.

Use your inner knowing to get a sense of which of the animals you see in your meditation want to be your power animals.

No matter how your power animal decides to introduce itself, be open to being guided by Spirit. When it comes to power animals, there are no greater or lesser power animals. All power animals have meaning, because all animals have power. Take the ant. While some might scoff at having an ant for a power animal, it has tremendous ability to focus and to work together with others to meet a common goal, two traits which can definitely be a positive.

Once you’ve met your power animal, go exploring with it. What message does it have for you? What assistance can it lend in your life right now? What wisdom and energy does it want to share with you?

Please, share your story of connecting with a power animal.