We create with our thoughts and with our words. When we give voice to positive thoughts, we create positive situations and energy for ourselves. When we’re not as impeccable with our words, we create something less than what we really desire.

Speaking negative thoughts out loud gives them a boost of energy. Even innocent comments made in passing transmit to the Universe, who hears our request and steps forward to help us manifest our reality.

Most of us have probably made a comment like, “I hope I don’t have problems with ___________________.” And what happens? We experience trouble with that exact thing.

Or, “If such-and-such happens, I’ll feel sad.” And what happens? When that thing comes to pass, we feel sad. We created our mood ahead of time. 

Bringing awareness to these kind of self-fulfilling statements helps us be more mindful of what we’re creating. If we slip and hear ourselves making an offhand comment, we can stop and ask for a do-over. When I catch myself, I say out loud, “Stop! Rewind. I didn’t mean that.” Sometimes I also visualize myself plucking the words from out of the air and pulling them back. These two simple acts erase the energy. Then we can follow up with a positive statement.

We constantly create. By watching our words, we can remain aware of what we’re creating and create positive instead of negative.