No conversation about trusting our intuition would be complete without also talking about discernment.

In any situation where we receive messages, we need to use discernment – no matter the source of the insight, whether it be a spontaneous vision or dream, in a shamanic journey, or while channeling or meditating.

We want to embrace messages from our soul, our higher self, and our compassionate spirit helpers. This kind of guidance feels loving, compassionate, and expansive. It may touch our heart and our soul. It leads toward greater growth, balance and harmony.

Occasionally, we may receive a message that is not divine – perhaps from our ego, our shadow, or non-compassionate spirit beings in our vicinity. We want to parse and disregard this information.

Always run the messages you receive through your inner filter. Does it have the ring of higher truth? If you notice any red flags or something that doesn’t feel right, proceed with caution and look for further verification.

The language of the message will also help with discernment. True wisdom feels loving and open, not harsh or punitive. Our soul and our compassionate spirit guides do not speak in terms of “you should…” or “you better…” Nor would they suggest anything that would harm us or anyone else.

It’s also helpful to sit with the overall energy and intent of the messages. If you sense ego motivations such as fear, hurt or doubt in the message, it may be coming from your shadow or a non-compassionate (lower vibration) spirit being. True spirit guides carry messages with soul motivations of peace, freedom and love.

Here are some examples:

* fear (ego) vs. love (soul)

* separation and isolation (ego) vs. connection (soul)

* greed (ego) vs. abundance for all (soul)

* resentment (ego) vs. forgiveness (soul)

* judgment (ego) vs. compassion (soul)

* control (ego) vs. acceptance and ease (soul)

* worry (ego) vs. peace and freedom (soul)

* drama (ego) vs. love and peace (soul)

* power over (ego) vs. authentic power (soul)

If at any point, you question the tone of a message or the motivation behind it, take a deeper look and track what’s going on within you that brought about this message. You may be called to do some shadow work or clear heavy energy out of your body or your home.

Even when working with intuitive messages in the spirit realms, we can exert our free will. We have the freedom to choose which guidance we follow.

This work is real, and it matters.

January 5, 2022