Our inner wisdom speaks to us in whispers of encouragement and guidance on our spiritual path. It supports our soul’s desire for freedom and peace.

Our inner wisdom uses the language of the soul with open, positive and affirming words. It suggests ways to bring balance and healing to our life.

When our inner wisdom speaks to us, we recognize its truth, and the energy resonates throughout our being, similar to breathing a big sigh of relief.

In contrast, the energy of the inner critic is often harsh and punitive. It speaks in terms of, “You should…” or “You better…” Our inner critic may speak in the voice of an angry parent, nagging us to make a change. It might evoke worry or fear, doubt or self-judgment.

Our inner wisdom will never make us feel bad about ourselves. It suggests ways that we can be more kind and gentle with ourselves. It supports our growth and learning.

Because our inner wisdom speaks quietly, we can make room for the messages to be heard by occasionally turning off the television and the iPod and welcoming silence.

As we start following the guidance of our inner wisdom and acting on the messages we receive, we strengthen our connection to our intuitive guidance and hear it more clearly.