Simple household chores can bring great joy when we approach them like a meditation.

Try it for yourself the next time you’re doing a repetitive task like folding laundry, vacuuming or dusting. Choose something you can do without much thought, then begin. Focus your attention on what you’re doing.

Use your senses to stay with the task. What do you smell as you rake the leaves or take the laundry out of the dryer? What colors do you notice as you chop vegetables or weed the garden? What do you taste, hear or feel?

When your mind wanders and you find yourself having a thought, refocus by returning to your senses again.

For me, doing the dishes turns into a meditation. The smell of the lemon-scented dish detergent captures my attention. The feel of my hands in warm water and the glide of the washcloth over the dishes relax me. The glistening of rainbows reflected in the soap bubbles engages my fancy.

When I stay in the moment with this simple task, it seems less like a chore and more like meditation. My senses sharpen, my mind stills, my breathing deepens, and I find joy in doing the dishes.

Finding pleasure in the small things like the glorious array of colors in the garden, the softness of the laundry, or the sweetness of a single fresh strawberry helps us reach a place of peace and gratitude.