If you scan across the different areas of your life – career, family, health, spirituality, finances, relationships – can you sense where the energy is and isn’t flowing? Look for places where energy flows in a vibrant, active way, and look for places where energy slows or comes to a complete stop.

For instance, maybe as you scan, you notice the energy around an old friendship has ceased to flow. The last few times you’ve extended to your friend, she has been too busy to accept your lunch invitation. In reflection, you realize your lives have gone in different directions – she is single and puts in long hours to further her career, and you are a stay-at-home mom with young children. You feel a pang in your heart, and a sense of sadness over a friendship in transition.

But then, as you continue to scan the social area of your life, you see a lot of energy around a potential new friend – another mother you recently met at a school event. You ran into her again a few days later at a neighborhood barbeque and found out she lives just a few blocks away. Then the next day, your paths crossed again while out doing errands. You realize there is energy flowing around developing a friendship with this woman, so you extend an invitation to her to join you for coffee. As you get to know her better, she becomes a dear friend.

When an area of our life is in flow, it feels great. The energy bubbles. Many green lights appear, and synchronicities occur regularly. The Universe is in active co-creation with us and brings opportunities our way.

And sometimes we find ourselves on a path without energy flow. The energy may be sluggish or completely stagnant. Making any progress at all is hard work, like trudging through mud carrying a fifty-pound pack on our shoulders. Instead of doors opening, doors slam shut right in front of us.

When we find ourselves in these circumstances, what do we do? We pause, look around and see where the energy is flowing. When the Universe closes one door, it opens another. Somewhere nearby, sometime soon, a door we hadn’t expected will open for us.

When we suspend our preconceived notions of what “should be” and follow the energy of “what is,” whole new worlds open up to us in surprising ways.

Where is the energy flowing in your life? What are you being redirected towards?