Signs and messages sometimes come in response to a query we’ve posed to the Universe. These queries may have been formally or informally made.

A formal query is a request placed to Spirit for some kind of assistance. Formal queries may take the form of praying for an intercession or a blessing, holding an intention for manifestation, or asking spirit guides to share their wisdom. All of these examples include an official, direct invitation to Spirit to take action.

Informal queries are requests addressed to others but overheard by Spirit. For instance, we might say to a friend, “I wish I knew what to do about ________________.” Or we might think silently to ourselves, “What was the name of that book?” In eavesdropping on our informal queries, the Universe sometimes decides to take action and bring a response. This response may come in the form of a sign or message.

So if you’re pondering the meaning of a sign or message, pause and track back in your memory banks to recall your recent queries awaiting a response. Ask yourself if this sign is a response from Spirit to either a formal or informal query. When the answer to this question is “yes,” it often triggers a realization about the meaning of the sign.