It’s not uncommon to have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep in a hotel room. We often attribute this to being in an unfamiliar setting – a bed with a hard mattress, a room with too much light or noise from the hallway.

While physical factors undoubtedly play a role, the energy in the room may also be causing our sleeplessness.

Living spaces (and furniture) tend to hold the energy of what came before. In hotel rooms, hostels and temporary apartments, this can add up to an overwhelming amount of energy from a wide variety of people – each with their own unique energy, worries and state of health.

If the previous occupant of the room was unable to sleep and lay in bed tossing and turning, their energy soaked into the bed. The next lodger likely experienced some level of worry and sleeplessness as a result. Now imagine the history of the room and extrapolate from there.

These two simple energetic suggestions will help ensure a better night’s sleep when traveling:

1) Smudge. Smudging the room and the bed can help clear negative energy and lead to a restful night’s sleep. A small, portable smudge kit easily fits into a suitcase. To make your own kit, assemble a case containing a tea light, a book of matches, and a small bundle of sage or piece of palo santo. A piece of paper or magazine from the hotel room can be used as a fan.

To smudge, light the sage or palo santo. Once it begins smoking, circle the room while fanning the smoke into the corners, behind the doors and in the closet. Hold the intention that the smoke is loosening and clearing any heavy, stagnant energy from the room. Also smudge over and around the bed, which is often the energetic focal point in a hotel room.

2) Pyrite. Four small pieces of pyrite, a common stone available at most rock and crystal shops, can be added to your smudge kit. Place the pieces at the four corners of your bed for additional protection while sleeping. Pyrite helps transmute negative energy and prevent nightmares.