The shamanic journey is a powerful way to access divine wisdom. In a trancelike state similar to a dream or a meditation, the journeyer might receive messages from their power animals and spirit guides. Depending on their natural channels of intuition, they might see images, hear a message, feel a response in their body, or experience a sudden insight dropping in.

New (and even experienced) journeyers sometimes ask how to interpret the messages they receive.

The information received in journeys can be literal or metaphorical (and sometimes both). The literal meaning would be an interpretation very close to the exact circumstances presented in the journey. The metaphorical meaning would use the images or symbols to point to an abstract truth.

Years ago, my helping spirits took me on a journey where I received information about a wound in my maternal lineage that was causing great grief and an inability to be present. My guides showed me my great-great grandmother in the snow digging a grave for her deceased infant. She was alone because her husband was away.

I recognized that this might not be the exact literal story of what happened to her.

* Was her husband really gone (literal) or was he emotionally absent and numb to his grief (metaphorical)?
* Did she really dig the grave herself (literal) or was that how deeply she grieved (metaphorical)?
* Was she really alone (literal) or did she feel isolated in her grief (metaphorical)?
* Was it really winter (literal) or did the snow and frozen ground represent the coldness of her grief (metaphorical)?

Journeys are rarely black or white with only one message. Journeys more often contain both literal *AND* metaphorical information. The most powerful journeys usually contain layers of meaning. You may immediately receive a message from the journey, but as you digest and process, it may take you deeper into your understanding and reveal greater insight about yourself and your spiritual path.

Because the Universe and your guides talk to you through symbols, it’s important to notice the signs contained in your journey. For instance:

* What symbology appeared in your journey?
* What beings such as power animals, spirit teachers, ancestors, angels, etc. appeared in your journey?
* What elements (earth, water, fire, air) appeared in your journey?
* What was the setting of your journey?
* What emotions did you feel in the journey?

Here’s an example using the picture shown here. What might the symbology indicate? The image has a Celtic and shamanic feel to it. If you were of Celtic origin (as I am), this might be an ancestor inviting you to learn more about your roots. Or you might have a past life in during Celtic times. The owl might be a family totem or a spirit guide coming with a message to look into the dark. The fox with its astute senses might have a message opening to other intuitive channels. Each of these aspects might reveal more information to work with and fold into your interpretation.

Some symbols have widely held meanings, so you might be tempted to search online to look up the meaning, but it is always more helpful to receive clarity directly from your helping spirits and your inner knowing. What meaning do the signs suggest to you? What meaning do you believe they hold? Over time, you will begin to notice symbols or signs that your helping spirits commonly use to communicate with you, almost like learning shorthand.

The best place to work with an unclear message is in the journey itself. You can interact with your power animals and spirit teachers right in the journey (similar to lucid dreaming). You can ask questions of them, “What does this mean?” You can make requests like, “I’m not getting this, please help me understand.” You might ask them to bring more information or explain it differently.

You can also pause the journey and have a sidebar with your guides. I’ll repeat to them what I’ve received so far and then tell them my current interpretation. Then they give me feedback. If they are enthusiastic, I know that means I’m on the right track. If they remain neutral, I know I haven’t gotten it yet, so I ask them to bring more information to clarify. Then the journey continues.

It’s helpful to learn your yes and no. What does a “yes” feel like in your body and what does a “no” feel like? Do you hear a certain quality of tone that indicates truth? Do see your guides nodding their heads in agreement or shaking their heads no?

If the meaning of the journey continues to be elusive, you can journey again at another time for greater clarity. One of my teachers used the phrase “to be continued…” to indicate there was likely more to discover.

It’s okay to ask trusted friends and teachers for input. They might notice something that you’re missing. However, always do your own exploration first before asking others for input. And you, the person who experienced the journey, is the ultimate authority in determining what it means. You can ask others for their thoughts, but those are only suggestions. The information in the journey came through for you, and it is part of your growth and learning to determine the meaning. Sit in the question, and clarity will eventually come.

Often for puzzling journeys, the meaning becomes clear down the road, after you’ve lived some more life. You might be in the middle of a situation and realize that the journey you had three months ago held insight for what you’re going through right now. All time exists at once in the spirit realms.

This work is real, and it matters.