Think back to a time when you manifested an intention quickly, easily and seemingly without effort. Do you remember the sense of joy you felt, the sense of awe in the power of the Universe to co-create?

Now recall the details of the situation. What did your energy feel like when you set your intention and made your request to the Universe? What was going on in your life at the time? Was there emotion involved? How much time passed between your request and the result? What did you do in the meantime?

Using the memory of this situation, what can you learn about manifesting?

I remember standing in the entryway of my home, just back from an errand, trying to recall a book title to recommend for a friend. The title and the author were just there, floating out of my awareness. In my frustration, I said out loud, “What is the title of that book!?!” Then I turned away and went to do something else.

Exactly forty-eight hours later, I again stood in the entryway of my home. This time I flipped through the mail. My first reaction was astonishment, “You’ve got to be kidding!” Then I began chuckling at the quick response from the Universe. For in that day’s mail was a postcard from a publisher promoting the book I had been trying to recall for my friend. Asked and answered!

What helped this request manifest so quickly, easily and effortlessly? 

Certainly posing the intention so clearly helped. “What is the title of that book?!?” There was a strong desire for an answer, and it was asked with emotion, a push from the third chakra, the will center. And I had no resistance to knowing. No doubts, no second guessing myself. I really wanted to know. And after making the request, I promptly forgot about it and moved on to something else, trusting the answer would come.

I think of this memory often when I’m struggling to manifest and use it to guide my efforts forward.

Now you go. Please share a story of a time you manifested effortlessly. What did you learn from that?