Years ago when I was living in Missouri, I had an interesting experience while doing errands. As I maneuvered through the parking lot at the grocery store, a dark blue pick-up truck passed by. I locked eyes with the man driving the vehicle, and the jolt of recognition was mesmerizing. It was like a scene from a movie – we both turned our heads and looked over our shoulders at each other until we were out of sight. That was the end of the encounter.

I used to joke that I met my soul mate at Schnuck’s in St. Louis. But I no longer see it that way. I now realize it was a moment of connection brought about by the act of passing through each other’s energy fields.

My strongest channel of intuition is clairsentience. It’s intuitive sensing and intuitive feeling. This gift manifests in various ways. People with this ability can often feel energy on their skin or with their hands. When I’m doing a healing session, my body often mirrors for me what’s happening in the client’s system. The sensations that occur when I’m in the presence of heavy energy also allows me to know when a curse or a suffering being is present.

Clairsentience is also strongly connected to feeling emotions. When I first started my practice, I trained myself to recognize the energetic signature of various emotions like shame, grief, anger, and fear. Each felt unique on my skin and helped me track the client’s energy more easily.

Because of this connection to emotion and feeling, many empaths are also clairsentient. This can be overwhelming until we learn to manage our abilities and turn it off and on at will. Now I recognize clairsentience as a gift.

For me, movement is an effective way to open my intuition. When I’m preparing for a healing session, I stand, drum, and get my energy moving. Before going on a diagnostic journey, I’ll rub my palms together and then slowly pull them apart, feeling the energy passing back and forth. This turns on the ability to feel with my hands. When I’m journeying for a client, I often sway side to side because I know that movement helps bring intuitive hits.

This also explains (at least in part) why I enjoy walking in nature. The movement helps me connect to my soul and receive clarity and insight. It also opens up my creativity – I sometimes get ideas for my classes or even begin to write a post while I walk.

This work is real, and it matters.

January 21, 2022