“Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it.”

I felt energetically off for the last couple weeks. I had a froggy throat, a prickly sensation in my chest, and more than a hint of tiredness. I wasn’t sure if it was physical, emotional, or something else.

Sunday morning I sat with it as a shamanic friend held space. As he drummed, I got clarity. In the journey, I felt the grief of generations upon generations of women in my paternal lineage who had their voices silenced and their power taken.

And I said, “No more.” I agreed to feel it in that journey. In acknowledging their pain (and my own), it heightened. It built in my lungs and around my heart, a heavy weight on my chest. And I grieved for myself and for these unnamed women who were silent and shut down and invisible.

It was uncomfortable to feel this. But I realized the other option (the not feeling) was just keeping it trapped. I realized I wanted something much better for them and myself.

I chose to honor their suffering to make space for a more balanced, feminine energy to return to this heavily paternal lineage.

In naming our shared pain, honoring it, and being present with it, the grief started to release, first as a trickle then as a steady flow of energy. With the support of my loving ancestral helping spirits, this layer of it cleared, and we reclaimed our voices and our power.

“Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it.”

This work is real, and it matters.
