Many science fiction and fantasy movies feature the use of portals. This fairly common plot device may be used to transport a character to a place of safety. Sometimes a portal opens accidentally and they travel through time or land in a different dimension.

Portals also exist in energy work. Portals are entry points through which energy can enter and exit, similar to doorways or openings.

Portals are not necessarily bad or good. It depends on where they’re located and how they function. Portals can be found in physical spaces such as homes, gardens, and nature. They can also be found in the physical or energetic structure of humans.

It’s not usually considered beneficial to have portals in our body or energy field because they make us available to energy we might not wish to engage with. If we have a rip or a tear in our aura, for instance, that can become an entry point for spiritual attachments or other people’s energy to come through.

One of my clients had a natural ability to do psychopomp work. (Shared with permission.) She habitually had poor sleep and never felt rested because every night she (together with her cat!) helped spirits of the dead cross to the light. The portal activated in dream time, and multiple souls would come to her each evening for assistance. The spirits of the dead entered her energy field and her dreams through a portal in her chest. Once we closed the portal and set clear boundaries that she was not open for business at night, it got significantly better and she was able to sleep uninterrupted.

We can also have portals to other dimensions. I’ve worked with children who leave their bodies at night and bring astral travelers back home with them through the portal they used to visit other planes of existence.

If we are unaware we have a portal, we may not realize how we’re being affected. Numerous clients have had portals through which a spiritual attachment comes and goes. When I mention to the client that I’ve closed a portal in whatever body part (say, their right shoulder), they often remark that they’ve had chronic pain there for a long time. They feel much better both physically and energetically after the portal is closed and the suffering being has moved on.

Closing portals is fairly straightforward. Begin by scanning your body and energy field with the intention to notice any openings. Make a request to your power animals and spirit teachers to close any portals you find. Be clear that you no longer allow that portal.

When I close portals for clients, my helping spirits either stitch it closed (they are weavers and spinners) or sometimes collapse it in upon itself and leave no trace it was ever there.

In Module 1 of the “Energy Essentials for Empaths” class, we meet two spirit helpers that can assist us in closing portals and making other energetic adjustments to help us be more comfortable in our body and energy field.

This work is real, and it matters.