When we are unsure of the meaning behind a piece of intuitive information, we can return to the source of the message for assistance with interpreting it.

My mother was recently hospitalized due to medical complications from chemotherapy. The call from my father came while I was driving back to Wisconsin, so I pulled off the interstate in order to consult my intuition.

I closed my eyes and asked my spirit guides to show me what was causing the imbalance in my mother’s body. They immediately sent a picture of a tube with something occasionally dripping from the end. The substance leaking from the tube had heavy energy and a feeling of illness or disease.

My mind scrambled to make sense of this image and manufactured a whole scenario around what it could be. Hmmm, maybe the dripping substance was blood, and maybe the tube was a heart valve. What if something was happening in her heart? Maybe the beginning of a small leak or tear? Even as my mind turned in circles, I knew my thoughts weren’t accurate. While I trusted the original picture I had seen so clearly, my interpretation felt like guesswork. I didn’t share what I had seen with my family or the medical staff.

A few days later, after testing and growing cultures, the doctors determined my mother had a staph infection in her blood, originating from her port. The intuitive picture I received suddenly made sense. Staph bacteria in her port – a plastic tube running through her chest and emptying into a vein near her heart – were slowly dripping into her bloodstream.  

The intuitive picture I received that morning in my car was accurate. But then my mind supplied a meaning out of fear and concern for my mother’s health.

What will I do differently next time? I’ll continue to work with my intuition to interpret the message. Instead of turning to my thinking mind to supply meaning, I’ll ask the source of the message – in this case, my spirit guides – for clarification.

We can ask additional questions of our guides and helping spirits at any point, even days or weeks after receiving the original message. Because time is circular in the spirit world, all time exists at once. (Unlike here in the physical world where we experience linear time.) In the spirit world, we can return to the shamanic journey, the trance state or the meditation as though we had never left it.

Begin by calling on whatever helping spirit brought the information. State your intention to receive more clarity and ask for their assistance. Then replay the original message with as much detail as you can recall. Continue on with your journey, trance or meditation and remain open to what happens next. Feel free to ask questions of your guides to prompt the information you need. “What am I seeing?” or “What do I need to know to interpret this accurately?” And “What does this mean? Please bring more information.”

If we still don’t understand the meaning after asking additional questions, the timing might not be right yet. If we continue to sit with the message in sacred space, it will often unfold over time.