Sitting in a spiritual circle can be an amazing experience. When a group of people gather for a common purpose – such as self-exploration, growth, skill development, or personal healing – it’s especially meaningful.

The old saying that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is true.

Participants find that they can do more in circle than they could alone. There’s something about being supported by the group that allows us to trust and open our hearts. Everyone in circle is a teacher – we learn from each other’s wisdom, perspective, and life experience.

Along the way, friendships develop. Being in circle with other like-hearted individuals already guarantees at least one point of connection.

Past participants in the Call of the Drum series have said this about their experience in circle:

“You’ll discover things about yourself you didn’t know. It’s a soulful journey.”

“Never underestimate the power of a circle.”

“This is the important work that help us and our communities to heal.”

This work is real, and it matters.

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A new Call of the Drum series begins on January 20, 2024 and meets five Saturdays through spring. We explore shamanism through journey, healing, and ceremony. Topics for this series include connecting with spirit guides, doing shadow work, healing a past life, and experiencing a destiny retrieval. You are welcome to join us! The only pre-requisites for this class are basic shamanic journey skills and an eagerness to grow and learn.