Benevolent spirit helpers walk by our side and lend their support and assistance on our spiritual journey. These compassionate beings guide us toward our inner wisdom and the larger spiritual truth when we open our intuition and connect with their wisdom and healing energy.

Spirit guides take many different forms. They may be power animals, angels, ascended masters, nature spirits, or embodiments of the divine such as Kwan Yin or Jesus Christ. We have more than one spirit guide – often a whole team. Some of our guides are with us from birth and some follow us throughout multiple lifetimes.

At times we may sense their presence as a loving energy. We may feel a gentle touch on our shoulder or a warm energy around our heart. We may smell a certain aroma or see twinkling lights. In times of great stress or challenge, we may be aware of them holding and comforting us.

Spirit guides interact with us for many reasons:

  • for our growth, evolution and healing on our spiritual journey
  • in response to a request or query
  • to help us connect to the divine and remind us who we are
  • for our safety and protection
  • to help our everyday lives flow more smoothly (e.g. nudging us to take a different route to work to avoid heavy traffic)
  • to help us read the energy of our immediate environment
  • to comfort us when we’re in pain

Because of the spiritual law of non-interference, spirit beings are limited in the aid they can give us without being asked. We can help our guides by setting a clear intention to develop a relationship and letting them know how we welcome their involvement in our life. For example, making a statement such as “I invite my guides to communicate with me in dreamtime” or “I welcome assistance from my guides in healing the relationship with my sister” gives them permission to work on our behalf.

There are various ways to meet spirit guides, some on purpose and others in the moment. We may meet guides:

  • during a shamanic journey, such as a power animal retrieval or a journey to the upper world to meet a spirit guide
  • in meditation or dreamtime
  • through being in nature – we may feel the loving presence of a nature spirit or have an encounter with a bird or animal
  • in a moment of relaxation, such as while taking a bath or falling asleep
  • in a moment of extreme stress or danger in response to a critical need
  • during a healing session – they might introduce themselves through a healer or intuitive

Sometimes meeting a guide happens more gradually. We might have a building awareness that someone wants to communicate. When that happens, tune in. Begin talking to the being either silently or out loud. Let them know you sense them, you’re glad for their appearance, and you want to hear their wisdom. Ask them to communicate with you in ways you can perceive. Then wait. Sit and be spacious. The process of attuning takes time. Be patient. Remain aware and open, and allow the interchange to unfold.

Spirit guides often communicate with us via our usual intuitive channels. If we have the gift of sight, we may see a guide in a vision. If we have the gift of hearing, our spirit guides may whisper a message in our ear. But we won’t always receive messages in predictable ways. Guides show their inventive, creative nature by communicating with us in whatever manner gets our attention and allows us to receive the message. A sudden impulse might be a nudge from a guide. We may be pondering a question while out driving and feel the urge to look up. In that second, we see an answer written on a billboard.

Particularly with new guides, we want to use discernment around the messages they share. We test the information they bring by running it through the filter of our inner knowing. Does the message feel right? Does it point us in the direction of universal spiritual truth such as love, compassion and freedom, or does it point us toward ego motivations such as fear, guilt or separation?

If we notice red flags or if their energy seems in any way not quite right, they may not be a spirit guide. Then we exercise healthy boundaries by walking away. Even in the spirit realms, we have the freedom to choose whom we interact with.

Much like with a new human friend, it takes time to develop a meaningful relationship with a guide. In each exchange, we learn a little more about them. We begin to recognize their energy. Trust builds, and over time we communicate more easily. We give gratitude for their presence in our lives as they enrich our spiritual journey.

This work is real, and it matters.