Trees make great teachers. Most of them are happy to listen and share their wisdom and healing insights.

Here’s one method for talking with a tree:

·      Let your intuition guide you to a tree.

·      Approach the tree slowly and with respect. Take a few deep breaths and quiet your mind. Introduce yourself and ask if it will be your teacher.

·      Listen for its response. You may hear a voice in your head, or you may get a sense of its answer.

·      Stand with your back against the tree, lean against it, or sit facing it. Get comfortable. Settle in.

·      Take a few deep, calming breaths and slow your breathing. Trees vibrate more slowly than people. Try to match your breath to its breath.

·      Continue to breathe slowly. Imagine your energy going down into the earth, mingling with the roots of the tree.

·      As you breathe out, imagine the tree taking in the carbon dioxide you exhale. As you breathe in, imagine taking in the oxygen the tree exhales.

·      When you feel at ease and connected with the tree, begin the conversation. You might ask a question or share what’s burdening you. Be open to a message from the tree. It may respond as a voice in your head or as a thought crossing your mind. You might see an image or picture in your mind’s eye or experience a sensation in your body.

·      Thank the tree when you are ready to leave. Offer tobacco, cornmeal or a seed in gratitude. Let your new friend know you’ll be back.

What wisdom or advice have you gained from a tree?