In the natural world, the antidote to a poison or toxin can often be found nearby. Jewelweed, a natural cure for poison ivy, often grows in the same habitat as the three-leafed plant, for instance. Plantain, which can be used as a poultice to take the sting or itch away from insect bites, grows in areas where we are likely to encounter mosquitoes or black flies. Mother Earth provides a remedy as part of the balance of nature.

And so it is in the spiritual world. If we find ourselves in a challenging situation, a solution can often be discovered nearby. But it may involve shifting our perspective. Because as we know, in the words of Albert Einstein, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Turning even just half a degree to one side might be enough of a shift to help us see the solution. Sometimes it might mean taking a step or two away from the problem and surveying the landscape from a broader perspective. And still other times, circling around the issue and coming upon it from an entirely new point of view provides the answer.

When we finally see the solution, we might express surprise at how simple it was and amazement that it was waiting right there in front of us all along.