An important part of the co-creation process is asking for assistance from Spirit. Here are four tools we can use to communicate our intention and our vision to the Universe. These tools spread the energy and the resonance of what we’re looking to attract. And they’re fun – so they help build our enthusiasm and give us momentum to move forward.

·      Vision boards. A vision board holds the energy of what you want to create in your life in pictorial form. Begin with a piece of poster board or a page in your journal. Look through magazines for images and words that represent what you are manifesting. Gather other objects that capture your attention such as greeting cards, small trinkets, or fortunes from fortune cookies. Glue the items onto the paper in the style of a collage. Then place the finished vision board where you see it every day as a reminder of what you are creating.

·      Scripting. Scripting is a form of journaling. Tap into your imagination, visualize your completed manifestation, then write about it. The more sensory details, the better. What will your future look like? Feel like? Taste like? Add as many emotions as possible – they fuel your manifestation. Use the present tense, as though it were already true. Here is an example:

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my bedroom window. I pause for a moment to give thanks for the beautiful day and then leap out of bed, excited about the possibilities. I go for a long walk, allowing nature to inspire my creativity. The wind gently blowing the wildflowers in the tall prairie grass sparks an idea. I take out my pen and mini-notebook and write a poem. I feel joy for being alive and deep satisfaction with my writer’s life.

·      Imaginative storytelling. Similar to scripting (see above), except instead of writing your vision of the future, you speak it out loud. Verbalization puts the energy into sound waves. This vibration transmits to the Universe, and the Universe responds by bringing synchronicities and opportunities your way. Imaginative storytelling can be done in the shower or while driving to work – any time you have a few spare minutes and want to boost the energy around your manifestation.

·      Manifestation partnering. Find a friend who also wants to make manifesting via the co-creation process a focus in their life. Schedule a date to get together every 4-8 weeks. Use this time to share intentions, give updates, and celebrate progress toward goals. Each person takes a turn. When you talk, your partner listens, then reflects what you said. Your partner also agrees to energetically hold your vision, and you agree to hold theirs.