As we explore our spiritual path and open to our intuition, we naturally meet spirit beings. Some of these spirit beings become our guides over time as we develop relationships and learn to trust the information they bring. But not every being we meet in spirit form has the compassion and the wisdom to be a spirit guide. Beings of low vibration and negative energy exist in the spirit realms too.

We want to work with spirit guides who source from the highest vibration of love and healing energy. In order to ensure this, in the beginning we go slow and use our discernment about the spirit beings we meet.

How can we discern whether a spirit being is of the highest love and compassion?

·      Trust your intuition. Some spirit beings feel heavy or negative, while others vibrate with an energy so pure we are immediately drawn to them.

·      Run the messages you receive through your inner filter. Does it have the ring of higher truth? Can the information be verified? If you notice any red flags or something doesn’t feel right, then proceed with caution and look for additional information before fully accepting the being as a guide.

·      Consult with your trusted, established guides. Do they recognize the new spirit being as an appropriate guide for you?

·      Ask one of your established guides to be a gatekeeper for you when you’re working in the spirit realms and only let through guides of the highest vibration.

·      Examine the language of the messages. True wisdom feels loving and open, not harsh or punitive. A true spirit guide does not speak in terms of “you should…” or “you better…” (See Distinguishing our inner wisdom from our inner critic.) Nor would they suggest something that would harm you or anyone else.

·      Sit with the overall energy and intent of the messages. If you sense ego motivations such as fear, hurt or doubt in the message, it may be coming from a lower vibration spirit being. True spirit guides carry messages with soul motivations of peace, freedom and love.

Ego motivations                                    Soul motivations

fear                                                       love

separation, isolation                             connectedness

greed, ambition                                    abundance for all

hurt, resentment                                   forgiveness

judgment                                              compassion

control                                                  surrender

worry                                                    peace, freedom

drama                                                   love, peace

If at any point, you question the messages or motivations of spirit beings, exercise healthy boundaries and walk away from them. Even in the spirit realms, we can exert our free will. We have the freedom to choose which beings to accept as our spirit guides.