The repetitive sound produced by a rattle can help us enter a trancelike state and open to hearing our inner wisdom.

Begin by experimenting with different styles of rattles. Some have a higher, shriller sound. Some have a lower, deeper sound. Some are quieter, some are louder. Keep trying them until you find one you like. Rattles can be purchased at many spiritual stores and online sites.

Try different ways of holding the rattle, even different hands. Maintain a loose grasp in order to be comfortable holding the rattle for several minutes. Some people find it helpful to rattle by their ear, some people hold the rattle in front of their chest. Find what works for you.

Also experiment with different methods of rattling. Try moving the rattle straight back and forth, like knocking on a door, but to a steady beat. Also try circling the rattle for a lighter sound and even a faster movement shaking the rattle side to side. Each of these methods yield different percussive sounds. As you play, notice which sounds you prefer.

Now, try adding a question. What would you like guidance on from your higher self? Hold that as an intention while rattling and allow the insight and information to come. If you find the rattling an annoyance or distraction, allow the sound and the vibration to break through the resistance. Follow the sound of the rattle and allow it to take you into your heart to find your truth.