Our imagination holds the power to help draw what we’re looking for into our lives. When we set it free and allow it to soar, it transmits our energy as a request to the Universe for assistance.

To use your imagination as a tool for manifestation, begin by visualizing what your life will be like when your desired reality has manifested. Use your imagination to develop the scene and fill in the details.

If you want to create a home-based business that will support you and allow you to leave your corporate job, you might visualize a typical day at home when your business is established. Use your imagination to make the scene as detailed as possible. What is your morning routine upon rising? What does your workspace look like? What kind of interactions do you have with people throughout the day? What tasks or projects do you engage in? What does a successful day look like?

Experts on manifestation recommend involving emotions to give added energy, so include feelings in your visualization. How do you feel working at home? Imagine the sense of purpose and fulfillment, the joy you experience at engaging in work that makes your heart sing or allows you to be of service. What emotions do you experience when an opportunity arises, when you make a helpful connection, or when a potential customer indicates interest in your product?

Once this scene is fleshed out with details and emotions, then use it as a daily meditation. In our example above, you might do your visualization each morning before leaving on your commute to work.

Visualizing in this way adds energy to our manifestation and helps draw what we are looking for into our lives by acting as a powerful magnet to attract the people, the teachers, the opportunities we need in order to create it.