It can be unnerving when we access our usual intuitive channels and find silence. We may panic and worry that our spirit guides have abandoned us just when we need them the most.

This is natural and happens for everyone from time to time. Our intuitive abilities vary based on our energy levels, the time of day, our health, and even what we ate for our last meal. If we remain calm and connected to our higher self, we remember that Spirit is always there for us.

Any glitches with being able to receive are usually on our end – often we’ve slipped out of our True Self and moved into a perspective of ego, doubt or lack. We may feel resistance to receiving because we fear what we might be asked to do, or we may have an energetic block to moving forward.

Sometimes Spirit has already communicated, and we haven’t recognized the message because it came in a way we weren’t expecting. Spirit performs triage by clearing out everything else so the most important messages make it through.

Or we may be trying too hard, seeking intuitive guidance from a place of desperation. We may have a strong attachment to the outcome and try to control what’s going to happen. We want so badly to see into the future, when we’re simply meant to allow the process to unfold.

Over time, as we grow and evolve, our spirit guides evolve as well. We may be working with a new team of guides and not realize we’re in an adjustment period yet. Almost always, once we’ve worked through whatever transition we’re making, our intuition returns as strong as ever.

So what do we do when we hit a psychic dry spell?

·      Remain open. Continue asking the question, but from a place of curiosity and spaciousness. Wait patiently for the answer. Hold space for it to come to you.

·      Review the quiet whispers of intuition you’ve recently received, even if they haven’t been full blown messages. One of these nudges may be the wisdom you’ve been looking for.

·      Be open to working with a new spiritual support team. Introduce yourself and let any new guides know that you desire to build a relationship and hear their wisdom.

·      Consider that your intuitive channels may be developing. Play with new ways to receive. If you’ve never been clairsentient, bring your attention to your body and notice what new information you might sense through your skin. Or if you’ve received your intuition mostly through Upper World guides, make an effort to connect with Mother Earth, nature spirits and elementals.

·      Eat healthy, exercise and get rest. Taking care of our bodies boosts our intuitive connections. Staying hydrated is also necessary for the conduction of electrical impulses (i.e. intuition).

·      Focus on the present moment and let go of any thoughts about what comes next. Spirit is showing you there’s something more to learn here.

When we ride the natural peaks and valleys of our intuition without blame or judgment, the dry spells get shorter. As our intuition returns, we find unexpected gifts in heightened abilities, new spirit guides, and a deeper connection to our inner wisdom.