Settings intentions can help us learn to live consciously and support us in creating the life we desire. Intentions give us purpose and principles to live by. When we set intentions, the Universe hears what we want and brings the people and the experiences we need to make them true.

There are many ways of setting intentions. One template is:

            I  < active verb  >  rest of sentence.

            I speak my truth.
I open my heart.
I live joyfully.
I walk in balance.

The word choices we make when crafting our intentions are important. Clear, direct words result in clear, direct intentions.

Here are some suggestions for writing powerful intentions:

·      Frame your intention in the positive. State what you want, not what you don’t want.

EXAMPLE:  I don’t hold back.
MORE POSITIVE:  I speak my truth.

·      Use immediate present-tense language. In the example below notice how the word addition of the word “will” moves it out into the future.

EXAMPLE:  I will speak my truth.
MORE IMMEDIATE:  I speak my truth.

·      Use active language to indicate taking action.

EXAMPLE:  I am a speaker of truth.
MORE ACTIVE:  I speak my truth.

·      Use simple, concise language.

EXAMPLE:  I open my throat chakra and use my voice to speak my truth in all situations without shrinking or closing up.
MORE SIMPLE:  I speak my truth.

When you have formed an intention, test it by running it through the filter of your inner wisdom. Pause, take a few deep breaths to get centered, and then speak your intention out loud. Feel the energy in your body and your voice as you speak. Does the energy feel clear and solid? Would another word choice be more powerful? Tweak your intention if necessary, and test each version by speaking it aloud and feeling the energy. Which is most powerful? That’s your intention.