Easing anxiety in the moment

Many of us feel a bit anxious from time to time. Our anxiety may be triggered by fear of the unknown, an unexpected financial burden, or an upcoming speech.If our anxiety persists or remains unacknowledged, we may experience a panic attack. Our higher self, which yearns for healing and balance, brings us the panic attack as a sign that something is out of alignment in our life.When we feel anxiety to these levels, we can gain helpful insight by tracking the source of the anxiety. We might ask ourselves what is out of balance in our life on a...

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Being comfortable with gray areas

Part of life here on Planet Earth is learning to deal with ambiguities. As we come into our maturity as spiritual beings, we learn to be comfortable with duality. We realize that life is a complex mix of feeling this and that. Of being both happy and sad. Of making plans and being open to what comes our way. Of being excited to move forward with a new opportunity and grieving the loss of what is left behind. Of loving many things about a close friend or partner and disliking their moodiness or tardiness.When we see the world only in black and...

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Developing a relationship with a power animal

Similar to the way friendships develop gradually, our relationships with power animals grow and deepen based on repeated interaction and building trust over time. (Click here for more on connecting with a power animal.)Here are some suggestions for developing a relationship with your power animal:·      Put on music and dance to help welcome the energy of your power animal into your body and into your life. Embody your power animal and move like it would move.·      Find pictures...

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Surrendering expectations and being in the moment

When we go into a situation with an interest in the outcome or with defined ideas about how it should unfold, we have expectations.Expectations get in the way of being in the moment – the place of our true power.Having expectations takes us out of the present moment in two places. When we first set our expectations about an event or situation that hasn’t yet occurred, we project into the future. Then as the experience unfolds, we return to the past when we try to manage the situation to match our predetermined image.Whenever...

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The silver lining in challenges

It’s not during the times in our life when everything is going smoothly that we grow. When life hums along on an even keel, we tend to become complacent and to accept the status quo without question.It’s when life gets a little bumpy that we grow. We sometimes need a push to try something new, to question our habitual patterns and beliefs. The challenges in life provide the friction, the discomfort to help us reach out of our safe comfort zone and stretch our wings.Through an illness, for instance, we may realize the need to treat...

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A simple full moon ceremony

Throughout history, many earth-based religions have worshipped the moon, honoring Grandmother Moon for her wisdom and feminine energy.In modern times, we still recognize the moon cycles. Tides, fishing forecasts, and planting schedules all follow moon cycles.Where new moons lend helpful energy to the start of a new project, full moons are traditionally the time to recognize the completion of a project or the end of a cycle.Here is a simple ceremony to honor the full moon and any endings in your life:·     ...

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