When we face a challenge in life, we sometimes get knocked out of our center. Despite our best efforts to remain grounded, we may experience a variety of responses – from leaving our bodies to shutting down and disappearing within.

When we’ve temporarily stepped out of our place of power and seniority, how do we recover?

We call on that wiser, higher part of ourselves – the witness observer – to remind us of who we are. The witness observer connects us with our inner healer and teacher. Then we do three things:

1) We remember to breathe. Breath is movement. When we breathe, our energy flows again. Our breath helps us find our way back to our center.

2) We remember to call on help from Spirit. Our power animals, guides, angels, and healing spirits lend their support when asked. The divine compassionate ones freely come and tend to us in our time of need, surrounding us with their love, wisdom and healing energy. We draw on their strength.

3) We remember to use the tools in our toolbox. During our personal healing journey, we’ve learned from counselors and spiritual teachers a variety of healthy and effective ways to care for ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. We access the appropriate tools and employ them on our behalf. 

Doing these three things empowers us and allows us to find our way back to our center – whether the challenge is a single isolated incident that pushes our buttons or an ongoing event such as the lengthy illness of a loved one.