When we’re present with ourselves in the moment, we can observe what arises to gain insight for our healing. In following the trail of thoughts, memories and emotions that cross our mind, our higher self points us to where we have unfinished business.

For instance, we might find ourselves doing the dishes one evening, enjoying the feel of our hands in the water and the lemon scent of the dish detergent. Suddenly, a memory flashes through our mind of a time in childhood when a teacher said unkind things about us. As we relive the memory, the emotions we felt at the time of the original event begin to stir – pain, anger, sadness, vulnerability.

As we recognize and acknowledge these emotions, we realize this memory mirrored for us that we have another layer of healing to do around this issue. Because we were triggered, we must still carry the pain and hurt in our energy field and the cellular memory in our body. So, in the moment, in the middle of washing the dishes, we begin breathing to clear our body and our energy field.

Here is a simple breath technique that can be used in the moment to shift heavy energy:

·      Pause for a moment and fully realize what you’re feeling.

·      Allow the awareness to come that there’s another layer of clearing around this issue that wants to happen.

·      Take several deep breaths, focusing on the exhale. Imagine your breath releasing the heavy energy.

·      Allow your breath to reach into your body and your energy field where the memory and the heavy energy are held, and allow your breath to bring movement.

·      Continue to breathe consciously until you feel the emotion and the heavy energy shift and release.

·      Return to a normal breath, and give thanks for the healing.

·      Go about your business.

·      Repeat as needed when another layer comes up for healing.

If we pause and take a minute or two to be present with our breath every time one of these mirrors happen, we create healing and movement for ourselves. The more we clear our energy field, the more we stay in the present and enjoy the freedom our body and our soul yearn for. Once the energy of the event has been released from our body, we will no longer be triggered.