Along with love, the energy of gratitude is one of the highest vibrations in the cosmos. In working with the energy of gratitude, we can heal our body and bring rest and regeneration to the parts that are tired or ill.

Here is a simple meditation to express gratitude to our bodies:

Get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes. Take two or three deep breaths and feel yourself settle into your body. Continue to breathe slowly and purposefully.

Bring your hands to your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Breathe directly into your heart. Feel your heart open and unfold. After several breaths, begin breathing into the space around your heart, allowing the heart to expand.

Allow the energy of gratitude and appreciation to fill your heart. Visualize this as a beautiful golden energy spilling out from your heart, then filling the space around your heart and overflowing into your body.  

Pause for a moment and listen. What part of your body wants attention? Send the energy of gratitude and appreciation to that part of your body wanting attention. Visualize the golden energy filling that part of your body, surrounding it with love. Visualize that part of your body vibrating radiant health and wholeness.

Breathe directly into your heart again. Then bring your attention to another part of your body. Express gratitude for what that part of your body has done for you, how it has supported you. Visualize that part of your body vibrating with the golden energy of vibrant health and wholeness.

Repeat until all the parts of your body wanting attention have received it. Then return your attention to your heart. Thank your heart for all it has done for you. Send love and gratitude to your whole body. Gently open your eyes and return to full awareness.