Now is the time

Now is the time

A couple of years ago a client notably exclaimed, “The heavy energy in my family has been kicked down the road for too long. It’s time to say enough!” The power and determination it was said with remain etched in my mind and on my heart. He clarified what I have...
Family gifts

Family gifts

Although the focus in ancestral healing work is often on shifting the inherited burden and dysfunctional patterns, it’s also important to acknowledge the positive energies we receive through our lineage. Family gifts come in many forms – a sense of humor,...
Remembering our history

Remembering our history

Yesterday my cousin sent me a treasure trove of genealogical information he researched about my maternal grandmother’s family. Her lineage held a lot of pain and grief. My grandmother’s parents died when she was 16, and she lost an infant son born with a serious...

Our names have power

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about names and how much they matter. We might not often think about the power they hold. Many names have symbolic meaning. For instance, Debra is a variation of Deborah, a Hebrew word meaning “bee.” Oleson literally means “son of...