Our physical bodies appear to have solid mass, but modern science has discovered we are actually a collection of rapidly moving particles in the form of energy. When the energy in our body and luminous field flows freely, we experience health and well-being.

But sometimes our energy becomes stuck. If the stagnant energy remains uncleared, it eventually causes discomfort and imbalance in the form of pain, dis-ease, or illness.

Here’s an example of how it works. Let’s say we fell off our bike as a child and broke our arm. If the heavy energy of the trauma went unprocessed, it moved into our broken limb, stored as cellular memory.

When we experience similar trauma or fear over the years, more heavy energy moves into our arm, magnetized to the location of the original injury. Our body may occasionally send us a twinge of pain, but largely we remain unaware of what is happening. The bike accident is a fleeting memory.

Years later, well into adulthood, something happens which triggers the familiar sense of trauma and fear. Perhaps we unexpectedly lose our job, or our spouse asks for a divorce. More heavy energy and emotion move into our arm, but now we’ve reached the tipping point where we manifest physical illness. We wake up one morning in acute pain, our arm throbbing. Until we remove enough layers of heavy energy to make a difference, we continue to experience physical discomfort. 

Here is a technique for clearing heavy energy from the body. This method shifts the energetic component behind physical pain, dis-ease and illness:

·      Choose a place on your body that holds pain.

·      State your intention to release the heavy energy causing the imbalance.

·      Enter into meditation. Close your eyes, relax, breathe deeply.

·      Ask one or more of your guides to step forward and assist you with the clearing.

·      Open your intuitive senses and observe your guides as they begin working.

·      Feel the sensation in your body as the energy shifts and releases.

·      Breathe slowly and evenly.

·      Be open to receiving any intuitive information about the source of the pain or heavy energy. Notice any memories that flash across your mind – they may relate to what is being cleared.

·      As your guides continue to work, get a sense of the heavy energy. Does it appear like slime on the walls of a cave? Or is it more like a cloud of smoke?

·      Ask yourself how you would clear something like that in ordinary reality. For instance, you could turn on a fan to clear smoke, or you might wash and disinfect cave walls.

·      Visualize your guides doing the clearing in a way that’s effective for that form of energy.

·      Feel the sensation in your body as the energy shifts and releases.

·      Breathe slowly and evenly.

·      When you sense your guides are finished, take several deep cleansing breaths.

·      Give gratitude to your guides for their assistance.

·      Repeat this process each time you notice pain in the same spot. Healing happens in layers. As each layer of heavy energy is removed, the next one appears. Be gentle and patient with yourself and continue using the technique until all layers are cleared.

NOTE: This technique does not replace medical care by a doctor. If you have concerns about your physical health, please listen to your intuition and seek medical attention. A blend of conventional care and energy clearing combines the benefits of both approaches and addresses the mind-body-spirit connection.

Related article: Tracking negative thoughts that cause body pain